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Genealogy for
Mary  Yeomans 

Click for more Information about Samuel Yeomans.
Samuel Yeomans
9/1/1655 - 9/1/1704

Mary Ellis
1657 - 10/19/1689
Click for more Information about Mary Ellis.

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Mary Yeomans
8/28/1685 - 1728
Mary Yeomans was born on August 28, 1685 in Stonington, Connecticut and died about 1728 in Westerly, Rhode Island. Dates for birth and death are estimated. She lived to be about 42 years old.

Children of Mary and John: John Crandall 1705 – 1795 Deborah Crandall 1707 – unknown Mary Crandall 1710 – 1766 Elizabeth Tacy Crandall 1721 – 1795 Benajah Crandall 1735 – 1809 Martha Crandall 1736 – Unknown Hannah Crandall 1737 – Unknown David Crandall 1740 – 1819 Stephen Crandall 1742 – Unknown
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Click on any of the News, Events, or Discoveries buttons above to see historical things that happened during Mary Yeomans's life. These are only some of the major events that affected the life and times of Mary, her family, and friends. For example, Mary is 15 years old when By the early 1700's, Virginia and Maryland have established a strong economic and social structure. The planters of the tidewater region, with abundant slave labor, have large houses, an aristocratic way of life, and a desire to follow the art and culture of Europe. Less wealthy German and Scots-Irish immigrants settle inland, populating the Shenandoah Valley of Virginia as well as the Appalachian Mountains. Those on the frontier build small cabins and cultivate corn and wheat.
15 1700 By the early 1700's, Virginia and Maryland have established a strong economic and social structure. The planters of the tidewater region, with abundant slave labor, have large houses, an aristocratic way of life, and a desire to follow the art and culture of Europe. Less wealthy German and Scots-Irish immigrants settle inland, populating the Shenandoah Valley of Virginia as well as the Appalachian Mountains. Those on the frontier build small cabins and cultivate corn and wheat.
35 1720 The population of American colonists reaches 475,000. Boston (pop. 12,000) is the largest city, followed by Philadelphia (pop. 10,000) and New York (pop. 7000)
4 1689 England's Bill of Rights created. European Nine Year's War begin and grows into a world-wide event. It ends in 1697.
5 1690 Ireland's Battle of Boyne
8 1693 National debt begins in England
13 1698 Tsar Peter the Great begins traveling Europe
16 1701 England's Act of Settlement created; War of Spanish Succession begins
22 1707 Scotland and England unite to form "Great Britain"
30 1715 War of Spanish Succession ends

John Crandall
Born about 1682 and died on January 17, 1767
Click for more information about John Crandall.

The Children of Mary Yeomans

Elizabeth Tacy Crandall
Born in Hopkinton, Rhode Island about 1721 and died in White Creek, West Virginia on June 1, 1795. She was about 74 years old.

Children of Thomas and Elizabeth: John Davis 1738 – 1739 William Davis 1739 – 1740 Nathan Davis 1740 – 1814 Elizabeth Davis 1746 – 1807 Mary S Davis 1750 – 1806 John Davis 1754 – 1842 ...
Click for more information about Elizabeth Crandall.
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