Printed from the Halley-Howard Family Photo Album

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photos found for ID2339
1978 - Regina's Wedding
May 20, 1978.

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1978 - Regina's Wedding
May 20, 1978.

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1978 - Regina's Wedding
May 20, 1978.

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1978 - Regina's Wedding
May 20, 1978 - the groom is wearing the first suit he ever owned that actually fit his 6 foot, 5 inch body. It was special ordered from Sears and arrived about a week before the wedding.

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1980 (estimated) - Ken Blackstock

People in Photo:

1980 - The Blackstocks
Family portrait of the Blackstocks -- Juel 'Ken' Blackstock, Regina and Dustin Blackstock.

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1984 (estimated) - Blackstock Family

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