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Cool Colors are typically the "blue" half of the color wheel. This includes the "blue-green" and "blue-purple" colors.

Strengths: "Distant and unassuming" these colors are calm, soothing and easy to view. They have a tendency to appear farther away making them excellent background choices. Blues are also the most popular business colors.

Weaknesses: These colors convey a passive impression and may conflict with the intent of the message your website wants to convey.

You cannot create an "all cool" design using Complementary colors because they are opposite each other on the color wheel (making one color choice cool and the other warm). However, by using a two-color Split Complementary design you can achieve a similar result.

This Analogous Color design uses the following colors:

#336699 Design Border
#CC99FF Page Title, Next and Previous Buttons
#6666cc Colored Text
#999999 Gray (Neutral) Dolphin

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