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Warm Colors are typically the "red" half of the color wheel. This includes the "yellow-green" and "red-purple" colors.

Strengths: "Up close and personal" these colors provide a sense of warmth, comfort and energy. When selecting color schemes, use warm colors to attract attention.

Weaknesses: Too many warm colors on the page can weaken the "punch" these colors offer. As shown by this design, warm greens and purples are not often a designers first choice!

Also, you cannot create an "all warm" design using Complementary colors (two colors) because they are opposite each other on the color wheel (making one color choice cool and the other warm).

This Two-Color, Split Complementary Color design uses the following colors:

#339900 Design Border
#99FF66 Next and Previous Buttons
#CC33FF Page Title, Colored Text
#999999 Gray (Neutral) Dolphin

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